Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First Post

Well hear's my first post to kick off the blogg... Thanks to the folks that set this up for me.

Since this is from the front desk I can't help but talk about the storm that came on Monday.

This was a fierce storm that made us glad we were inside... it was a white out around the Triad Center and some of us were glad we knew how to get to the Carriage Cafe by not going out into the storm...

The way home was icy too and I was bouncing along the places the plows hadden't reached reached along State Street.

This is January in Utah so we'll have to put up with it for a few months.....


Renato S. said...

I'm glad I was inside the office and not in the cold!

Hernan+ said...

the snow is evil

Anonymous said...

welcome to the age of sophisticated bloggage! tell us more, coach, tell us more!

Barbara Doduk said...

Crazy, I am from Vancouver BC Canada, we have a bar here called The Roxy and one of the house bands (cover band) is called Troys R Us and do their silly band logo just like that!

Small world.

Anonymous said...

We are waiting a post!!!